10 Don Don Donki Marketing Secrets

Japanese retail chain Don Don Donki instantly became a huge success in Singapore from the moment it opened its first store in the country in 2017. Many Singaporeans visited the store to eat and stock up on Japanese food, and get their hands on exclusive imported products. Since then, they have successfully expanded throughout the country – and their success has a lot to do with their marketing tactics. Here are 10 Don Don Donki marketing secrets you should know about.


1. They sell ready-to-eat food right at the entrance.

Before you even set foot into a Don Don Donki store, you will be faced with a long line of people at the sweet potato cart. One branch even has a café at the entrance where you can get your coffee fix. This smart placement makes it more likely for people to buy food or drinks before entering the store or after finishing their shopping spree – a clever tactic indeed.

2. You can watch the food being prepared.

On the subject of food, it is no secret that Don Don Donki has a wide variety of food available. To top that off, they also have open-concept kitchens where you can watch workers prepare fresh meals in front of your eyes. Not only does this show customers how their food is prepared, but a lot of people derive enjoyment from watching food being prepared. This transparency and form of entertainment also makes it more likely for people to buy food at the store.

3. The layout is all over the place.

While some people might think that Don Don Donki’s layout is a bit of a “mess”, their layout actually compels visitors to check out different products. While you may go to a certain section to check out one particular item, you may stumble upon another random product you initially hadn’t planned on buying. This increases the chances of customers making impulse purchases and buying more than they intended to – pretty smart if you ask me, albeit a touch sneaky.

4. They offer free samples.

Every Singaporean loves free samples. Don Don Donki takes advantage of this by having promoters give out free samples, which researchers have come to find affect consumer purchase. Whether you feel obligated to do so for trying the sample or end up really liking it, it’s one marketing tactic everyone should definitely look into.


5.; Their signs offer a sense of urgency.

As you walk through a Don Don Donki store, you will definitely come across signs that say things like “limited offer” or “sale ends today”. Words like these usually instill a sense of urgency in a buyer, making them believe that this is their last chance to scoop up a good deal. Plus, there’s always that FOMO (fear of missing out) on a good deal that may pressure people to buy an item right away. This is a powerful and very effective marketing strategy that gets Don Don Donki to make more sales.

6. They have big bright signs everywhere.

Don Don Donki’s signs, in general, will really catch people’s attention. At the entrance itself, the Don Don Donki sign is already in bright yellow; but the moment you step inside, you’ll also see a lot of huge signs vying for your attention – all in bold colours to really make an impact.

7. Their music mentions the brand name.

As you shop at Don Don Donki, you’ll hear music that says their brand name repeatedly. This will either annoy you so much to the point that you end up moving faster and grabbing more things than you need, or it’ll get stuck in your head that you’ll end up thinking about Don Don Donki long after you leave the store. Either way, Don Don Donki wins.

8. They know how to price their products.

Have you ever wondered why Don Don Donki prices their items at $49 or $79? It’s because our brain focuses more on the first digits than the last digits. Instead of thinking that an item is closer to $50 or $80, our brain registers that it is still in the $40s or $70s. This makes us believe that we are spending less and may be the reason why we end up buying so much stuff at Don Don Donki in the end.

9. They have a zig-zag system at checkout.

Some Don Don Donki stores have a zig-zag system when you line up at the counter to pay for your items. You might not notice it, but this layout can actually make you forget what you were originally at the store for and end up convincing you to buy even more while you are waiting for your turn to pay for your items. Our eyes also tend to wander while we wait to pay, and if a product catches your attention while you’re bored waiting, that could result in more money in Don Don Donki’s pockets.

10. They have a membership app.

Don Don Donki has a membership app, accumulating points that customers can exchange for coupons and other freebies. As mentioned earlier, Singaporeans love free stuff, and if you can get coupons and other benefits after shopping, why wouldn’t you grab it, right?

So there you have it. If you’ve ever wondered why you always buy so much at Don Don Donki or how they have become so successful after just a short while, now you know!


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