Why Pop-ups Will Never Die?

Let’s face it: nobody likes pop-up ads. Most people downright hate them. This isn’t surprising, seeing as how they pop up out of nowhere, annoy online users, disrupt what they’re doing, and distract them.


Still, marketers use pop-up ads for a reason: they are very effective provided you know how to use them, that is. Fortunately, if you know how to use them, you can easily convince people to buy your products or sign up to your email list. You need to find out how to be less annoying while providing value at the same time.

Keep in mind that most people find pop-up ads annoying, in general, so you will have to work extra hard to get on their good side. To do this, you need to provide something valuable. If you can give people something they want, they are less likely to mind the disruption of a pop-up ad. Here are some things you might want to consider:

Offer exclusive access

Pop-up ads are a great way to advertise exclusive content. This tends to be extra effective if people have already been viewing your content beforehand. If they like the content that you provide for free; chances are, they are more likely to like your exclusive content even more. This tactic works best if you want to help people familiarise themselves with your brand first before selling them anything.

By labelling something as ‘exclusive’, people will also feel like that content is more valuable. Remember: people prefer exclusive content over free content because of its scarcity and the feeling that it is something special.

Provide time-limited offers


Time-limited offers work well for the same reasons. People don’t like missing out on good deals, so they are more likely to jump on a deal if there is a limited-time offer on it. Make sure that the offer makes sense. You can use this if you have an upcoming event, for example, or are banking on a specific holiday. If the offer looks too random, people might find it strange and less trustworthy.

Provide great discounts

One of the reasons people might be visiting your website is to gather information. They are most probably there to check out what you have to offer, but there is no guarantee that they will buy anything. Fortunately, you can grab their attention with a pop-up ad – particularly one that provides a great discount. A pop-up like this is quite similar to a person handing out discount flyers at a physical store. It will grab their attention and give them more incentive to spend money at your store.

You can even ask for a person’s email address in the same pop-up ad if you’d like. The best part about this is that even if they don’t buy anything on their first visit, the chances of them coming back to use the discount code will be pretty high. You can use their email address as an advantage here by sending them an email reminding them of their pending discount.

Regardless of how you might feel about pop-up ads, they will never die. Fortunately, with a good strategy, you can make this work to your advantage and increase your website traffic and sales as time goes by.

The article was written by Soon Koon.


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